
Woah Now!

Woah, Woah, Woah... 2 posts in one day?! Something's going on! lol. Better watch out before I burn out or get carpal tunnel or something lol

So, it's January 2nd... a new year... and what does that mean everyone's talking about? Yup... New Year's Resolutions. So... here's mine.

My New Year's Resolution is simply this... to do my best.
I'm not going to make some unattainable goals that will just depress me when I don't get em done... I just want to do the best that I can, in all that I do. That means realizing and accepting that today's best may not be the same as tomorrow's best... and that's OK!

It means being the best mom I can be, being the best wife I can be... being the best friend... whatever I do... giving it my all. And like I said earlier, because of time constraints, amounts of sleep had, and just general situations that arise in life... my best probably won't ever be the same two days in a row... and that's just fine. I resolve to take each day one step, one minute, one second at a time... and while doing so, thinking, "am I doing my best"?

That means not apologizing for falling short, because I'm human and that was the best I could do at the time. It means not making excuses, and not beating myself up... because how can I expect any more of myself? Or even... any less?

I hope that this resolution helps me to think more about each and everything that I do... and helps me to enjoy life more fully. Because... that's truly the best that I can do!

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