
Brotherly er... Sisterly? ....Love!

So when we found out we were having another baby (Nixon you nut job! Geeze! He's not even 3 months old yet!) we wondered how Olivia would react to him but ya know what? I couldn't have asked for a better relationship between them! I know I know they're both still babies so who knows what the future will bring but let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing sweeter than seeing the two of them together!

Olivia is I think the best big sister I have ever seen! She really just loves him! When she wakes up she asks for him, when he cries, she's the first to run to his aid. She's always willing to get him diapers or throw away the dirty ones, or give him his soother and push him in his swing. Or steal his blanket or accidentally hit him, or read him a story or sing him a song! She is just an all around loving big sister! The other day, I had Nixon doing tummy time and he started to cry and Livi went over to him, sat next to him patted his back and started sushing him! It was sooo sweet! I video taped it so later on in life I can look back & have proof that at one time my kids did like each other!

It makes me so happy that they are so close... it's the reason that we chose to have them so close in age, because it was 5 years between me & my closest brother. But I tell you, every day it's so sweet to see them interact more & more... Nixon smiled at Liv for the first time last week and then cooed at her! She responded with an "awwwwww! he likes you!!!!" (she doesn't quite get the you/me thing when talking about yourself yet). I love seeing their brotherly... er... sisterly... well... their love!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww... so cute! My boys are like that too. It is just darling. They do fight (especially since Austin is starting to fight back) but most of the time they are just best buds. Brighton doesn't get the me/you thing either.