
Off to a fantastic start!

So I wrote that last entry and then "creeped" on fceb00k for an hour! Looking at wedding pics and baby pics and wholy... I swear EVERYONE is preggo! Crazy! So I won't be doing a ton ...or any updating tonight as everyone in my house is asleep and my eyes are starting to hurt, so goodnight, see you in the morning and it looks like we're off to a fantastic start!.... lol. i know... not one of my better posts, but my shoulder's gonna fall off 'cause I'm lying in bed with Nixon asleep on my arm, and I'm attempting to somewhat sit up and type... very uncomfortable, but what can I say... my public awaits and I'll painfully type for you guys!... That's how much I love you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh... I am shocked how much time I can waste of facebook!