So it's funny how seperation and space from someone causes you to love them even more! I mean, I absolutely love my sister-in-law, she's my best friend, but lately I haven't been able to see her all that much, but when I do, all I want to do is do things for her! It's funny because I don't really think about it, it's like an impulse! I've really enjoyed our time together lately... I wonder if it's because before we were practically inseperable and like siblings.. it was a little much. Don't get me wrong, I love her and always have, but I think a little time apart is great for any and every relationship! I am truly grateful to have such wonderful people in my life, particularly Steph. I've never had a sister before, and always wanted one, and now I have 3, and a new best friend! I'm really grateful, especially after wide open spaces!
There's a leg... there's another leg... and there's...

IT'S A BOY! We had our ultrasound last week and found out that we are having a little boy! Very very exciting! You see, my older brother (father of 5 girls) thinks that he will be the first to have a boy.. and that there's no way that we will have a boy before he does because he "deserves" one.. well! He is wrong! And to make things even more ironic on his behalf I am due on his birthday! It's a good time. I don't think you really understand the magnitude of this news! It really is a BIG DEAL! We are having the first boy on my side of the family after 6 girls! Little Nixon will be soo spoiled! We are also very excited for Olivia as she loves babies and I think a baby brother would be good for her (I'm not sure if a sister would survive quite yet). Anywho, we are very much excited and I thought I'd just let ya know. It was a wonderful experience as well because Nick's sister Meg and our cousins who are Olivia's guardians were there and got to come in to see the baby and hear the news! It was very fun and a cool experience! Meg was nearly in tears because she'd never been to an ultrasound before and she was very moved by my little "Alien". Well, here's a pic of the little guy! It was fun 'cause you could tell the tech was excited that he could tell the gender so he started telling us about the baby from the head down and when he got to the bottom he said "there's a leg... there's the other leg... and in between..." and I cut him off and said "IS IT A BOY?!" and he said "and there's another... leg" It was funny! A good experience! And we are very excited to have Nixon Duke as our newest addition... even if he won't be here for 5 more months!
Eternity is forever
Our baby sister got married last weekend. Going to the temple and seeing all of Nick's family except one sister was such a wonderful experience. The spirit there was soo strong. Jill & Treavor were also soo cute! They are so in love and were just so happy.. it made me kind of wonder "what happened to us?" Somewhere along the line we became comfortable and set in a routine.. what happened to courtship and spontaneity? I think we all need to remember that marriage is not and should not be the end of dating. I mean, Nick and I are very much in love, but that excitement has somewhat dissipated. We have decided to start dating again (each-other of course!) I think the key to avoiding a rut is to set aside time each week and day to just be the two of you without TV, children or other worldly concerns. We've also planned a monthly trip to the temple. There's something about seeing your spouse in that spiritual position that just makes you fall in love with them all over again. I think it's important for our kids to see us make time for each other and to see their parents head over heals for each other! I have always felt that way about Nick & I know he's felt the same, but we just need to remember to show it more often. I mean we're together for Eternity and that's not just a long time... eternity is forever!
Lean on me...
So, I just got back from a long walk and talk with my sister-in-law, and it made me realize how grateful I am for good people in my life and for good conversations. I'm not much to confront problems unless they pose a big threat, usually I just brush it off or ignore it, not because I don't want to deal with it, but because I don't feel that the contention and negativity is worth it. Anywho, we talked about all sorts of problems plaguing our relationship, and things that we were struggling with personally, and it was really liberating. I know that I can talk to her about anything and everything, and I usually do... I mean, I've never had a sister before and as a child I used to beg my mom for an older sister and a younger one, and now I have one older and two younger, with the older of the younger being only a year younger than me! I am soo very grateful for those girls and the joy that they bring into my life. I can't believe what I was missing out on all, of these years! I mean, we do fight.. all of us, we have disagreements and falling outs, but that just draws you closer, and I am so grateful to have that opportunity in life, even if it is later on. I know I'm not perfect and that feelings have been hurt, and we all know tears have been shed (even "heartless" I have cried!), but I know that no matter what, our love for one another will never change and I am soo grateful for that reassurance. The talk that my sister-in-law and I had was wonderful, it all came out... which it usually does with us, but this time felt different, I felt more fulfilled and happier after. I know it may sound clichéd, but I am grateful to have somebody to lean on... because after all, isn't that something we all need?
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