Ok, so I'm opening this up to all my blog readers out there (if there are any of you left since I've been a less than faithful blogger)... To play... or Not to play?! That is the question!
So, I'm debating over Playing Women's Rugby this Year... Should I? Shouldn't I? I've devised a list of pro's and con's of sorts:
Why I should Play:
So, I'm debating over Playing Women's Rugby this Year... Should I? Shouldn't I? I've devised a list of pro's and con's of sorts:
Why I should Play:
- I absolutely LOVE this sport! I played in High School, was team Captain and then I coached the most amazing girls in Raymond. Seriously some of the highlights of my life!
- Great fitness & lots of fresh air
- Practices are only 2x a week with games on Saturdays
- I think it would be wonderful (and soo much fun) for my kids to come out to my games and cheer me on! What a fun family outing!
- Great opportunity to meet some new friends
- Who knows when I can play again, for all I know I could be pregnant next year, and then when kids get busy with school & extra-curricular activities, time will be precious.
- Practices are in the evenings so kids will be in bed or on their way to bed... won't be missing all that much...
Why I shouldn't Play:
- I could get injured -(not really a concern of mine, but it's on here for Nick's sake... one of his arguments)
- The season lasts all summer, and with games on Saturdays, there goes Waterton trips and spontaneous Summer fun like camping and weekend expeditions.
- That's 2 nights a week I'm away from the fam (Nick) & most, if not all our Saturdays are planned for us
- It will cost $300 for the team fees, plus I'll need new shorts and cleats... (money that could go to other fun stuff)
- We have a reunion in Utah so I'd most likely have to miss games for that
- Away games could be out of town -ie hotels... away from fam... (there's a pre-season tourney in April)
- I'm teeny, there are some butch girls out there! I could get squashed!
- I'm really trying to get my business up off the ground, it could interfere/take away my time.
- We were planning to spend lots of time at our cabin in Waterton with friends and fam and possibly get a boat with Nick's brother. (not for use in Waterton... tooo cold!)
Ok, so there's my list of pros & cons... and I'm still nowhere close to making a decision. I love the sport, but that's a big commitment... it's only one summer, but it's a whole summer! What do I do? Maybe I should take it to the man upstairs. What do you think my faithful blog followers? To Play? or Not to Play?